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In only 2 sessions, Pippa helped me to step into my real self again



When I started coaching with Pippa, I instantly felt comfortable and safe in the space she created for me. 

Pippa's approach comes across as very gentle yet the powerful undercurrent of transformation is strong and ever present. 

Changes and realisation continue between sessions and now even weeks after our last session I am still developing and finding that the improvements I came to Pippa with as goals and dreams are unfolding in ways that feel natural and almost effortless.

I lost part of myself in a chronic illness, and have undergone many 'vision and goals' sessions as part of my journey back to health. Yet something was still missing and I wasn't believing my vision of health would come true. In only 2 sessions, Pippa helped me to step into my real self again, my posture changed and I could feel my inner strength which was always still there but seemed so far away. I now 'wear' my vision of health everyday and it is who I am, I am well. A magical experience that has rocketed me forwards and continues to unfold


​Thank you for everything and I'm sure I will be in touch in the not too distant future, I have loved our sessions.



Charlette - Kent

Through her kindness and encouragement I was able to quit sugar and increased my knowledge about healthy eating.


I worked with Pippa to prepare myself for my yoga teacher training. I wanted to be the best I could be physically, emotionally and mentally from day one. I found that Pippa held the space beautifully during our sessions, making it safe for me to explore my beliefs surrounding the subjects we were discussing. Pippa’s professionalism and supportive nature made the process much easier and enjoyable. Through her kindness and encouragement I was able to quit sugar and increased my knowledge about healthy eating.


I would highly recommend Pippa. I, for one, am truly grateful for the time I spent talking with her.


Thank you.

Mel Newman - West Sussex



Pippa was invaluable to me


Pippa helped me when I was going through a really difficult period at work. I hadn't been enjoying my job at all and then something happened to make me quit. The exit negotiations were long, difficult and drawn out and required lots of will power and single mindedness to get to the end of them. This is where Pippa was invaluable to me. Before every difficult conversation, we teased out the issues of why the conversation was difficult, what the underlying tension in the conversation was and how I could prepare myself for it a little bit better. She gently prodded and coaxed me into having a deeper understanding of the situation and my underlying fears so that any action I took was never reactionary. 


I hadn't been to a health coach before so I was curious to understand the process. I've been teaching yoga for a while and have improved my general health and well being quite a bit over the past few years. I initially was curious to know how I could improve it further. 


I experienced clarity, support, non-judgement, compassion and empathy in our sessions together with gentle questioning that teased out the underlying issues and non judgemental conversation. I would unquestionably recommend health and wellbeing coaching to others!



Siobhan  -  London


Working with Pippa has noticeably improved my confidence in making decisions, both day-to-day struggles and major life-direction setting decisions, because of a stronger sense of myself and my needs.



Before we started, I was in a transition stage – newly pregnant, having left my “secure” office job less than a year prior, and attempting to fathom the task of buying my first home; as well as trying to find some space in my life to enjoy myself and to allow myself to rest. I felt relatively happy in my life, but overwhelmed. Pippa was able to help me by bring some depth and clarity to my thoughts, particularly those that were causing me concern, but I was struggling to pin down beyond this. Specifically, she skilfully allowed me space to explore my thoughts out aloud, listening carefully, reflecting back to me and prompting me to think more strategically, rather than to dwell on the problem (as I saw it) or causes of the problem, myself.


After speaking with her, I always feel more confident, and lighter, which means that I’m more able to move forward and make decisions more easily. In our sessions, I am able to speak my thoughts and explore them in “real time”, which I think emanates from having a sense of permission to air them in a non-judgmental environment, with time to ponder and reflect. I find Pippa warm and friendly, and her manner makes me feel like my concerns are normal and human! As our sessions have progressed, I have been able to prioritise issues I’d like to raise more clearly and more separately from the general sense of overwhelm that I had when we began.


I would recommend Pippa without reservation, and have done many times already.


Susie Gerke - London

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Pippa helped me to navigate my way through a significant change in my life - from being a full-time worker to a retiree. 

Finishing work is a moment most of us dream of but, as I found, the loss of the structure and rhythm that work gives to life can throw up some surprising issues.  I felt somewhat ‘at sea’. The motivation, purpose and self-discipline that characterised the ‘working me’ was replaced by a sense of aimlessness and, ultimately, frustration.  I was eating more than I should; not doing the things I needed to do, or even wanted to do; wasting time surfing news sites on the internet etc.


With Pippa’s coaching support, I realised I needed to create new structure in my life and we worked through a number of sessions where I designed the new ‘skeleton’ of my retired life - from healthy eating to planning regular exercise and even practising my piano.  I have now regained the productive and purposeful me that I want to be and it’s brilliant.


Health and wellness coaching gave me the self-insight to shape the steps I needed to take to get life back on track. Without it, I think I’d still be floundering around and wasting the wonderful opportunities that retirement offers.



Marie - Kent 

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